Thursday, December 15, 2016

One Semester Down

With that, my first semester at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy has come to a close.  I learned so much and got to work on more games in one semester than I had in my entire Undergrad career at Ohio State.  I learned so much and got to work with the gaming technologies I had always dreamed of.  For example, in 3 of the 5 rapid prototypes I created I had the pleasure of working with the HTC Vive.  Every prototype brought new challenges and different ways of tackling what it means to make a game for VR.  One of the games was even selected b y a professor to be shown off by FIEA at recruiting events!  I also programmed a small game in 68K assembly which is nothing short of awesome as far as I am concerned.  If someone had told me in my undergrad career I would go onto do that, I would have called them crazy.  I also got to dip my toe into OpenGL to create a simple fighting game which was a genre I had never attempted before.  This whole year has been nothing short of an adventure, and I am happy to find myself here at the best game school in the world!  More great things to come!

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