Wednesday, March 8, 2017

GDC 2017

Last week I took my first trip to San Francisco for my first ever GDC.  It was an amazing experience.  I was able to chat with so many fellow devs from companies that I love.  One of my favorite interactions was with the people from audio kinetic who helped point me in the right direction of some audio issues I've been trying to tackle.  There was so much VR stuff to look at.  I got to finally try Playstation VR and check out Robo Recall with the Oculus touch.

Ultimately, I was a little let down with the tracking of the Oculus touch.  I ducked several times in game and found that the headset lost track of my hands multiple times which overall affected my speed and score.  It was a little frustrating and a little behind where the HTC Vive is in terms of tracking.  Perhaps it was due to how many trackers there were in the room I was in?

The Playstation VR was great as well.  I got to try a different flavor of VR experience I don't normally see.  I played a game that was sims-esque which I cannot seem to remember the name of.  Anyway, it was a very fun experience bar needing to pick up individual resources when there was an abundance of them.  Lots of great reference material for future VR designs.

I rounded off my trip with a tour of Lucasfilm.  It was an incredible tour and experience with a look at ILMX Labs.  Very exciting stuff although, I'm not allowed to talk about what all I saw.  Happy to get back to FIEA and get back to my current projects whihc both happen to be VR.  One new project on the horizon and I'm very excited about it.  I'll be sure to talk about it in future posts.

Lots of cool things to come!

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